Hey guys this article shows you a cool feature that many people don't know exists in Windows 7. Given that when you create a wireless hotpot with Ad-hoc you cant connect with other devices such as phones, this method is beneficial in that any device that has a WiFi can connect and you dont need software such as Mhospot or Connectify which consume your RAM and keep asking for a key, and best of all its simple to create.
For this you need to have installed windows 7 or 8 in your laptop. It works well with Windows 7.
Open the command prompt as administrator by typing
CMD in the search box then right clicking it then open as Administrator
After the window appears type
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=ilikepizza key=computer
where ilikepizza is the name your wifi
and computer is the password to your WiFi
after that type
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
to stop it type
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
and the WiFi will be created. I have created an executable program that you can run instead of typing the lines above. Just download it below and extract, then run as administrator by right clicking the file
Download here
Of course for you to create a WiFi that will connect to the internet, your computer must be connected to the internet via a cable or a modem, you need to share your modem/cable connection by going to:
Start => Control Panel => Network and Internet => Network and Sharing Center
under active networks click on which you want to share e.g Local Area Connection
then click properties on the window that appears
then sharing tab on top of the window, click on allow other network users to........... the click connection you want to share the network to, It will be listed in the active networks after the Local Area Connection
then click ok then ............enjoy surfing.....:)
NOTE: the wireless internet disconnects when you shutdown your computer and you will have to start it again when you start your computer..:)